Thursday, 29 December 2011


Click 'read more' below to find out how to make one of this cute little chubby owls yourself! ^_^

Last night my Mum and I stayed up and made owls! These cute little stuffed birds make perfect gifts, I personally made this one for my boyfriend's Mum, and can also be made into doorstops and book ends!  To start, you will need to make yourself two templates, one for the front of the owl and one for the back.You can make these whatever size you want depending on how big or small you want your owl but make them the same shape as shown below. (I've used Orla Kiely material for Craig's mum but normally these look great in any scraps you have lying around!)

Front facing, pin the two shapes together down one side as shown below and sew.

Then sew the other side together and when you get to this little awkward bit below, (you'll know which bit I mean), just carry on as shown below so that it ends in a point at the top. I do apologise for my lack of ability to explain things properly by the way...I hope the images are clear enough cos I'm sure my words wont be:/

Turn the owl the  right way way out and push out the point at the top like shown below. You can stitch a straight line across like I've done if you like to give the head a little more definition but you don't have to!

Stuff it with teddy stuffing or cotton wool...whatever you have handy...and then tack loosely so that you can pull the bottom in like so:

Don't worry, this doesn't have to be too neat as you'll be covering it anyway using a circle of material. Just a tip - if you use felt to do this then you don't need to worry about it fraying and can also just glue it on if you like! Looking back on these images, my work looks really messy...but to be honest with you I think it looks good a bit shabby! :)

Bring the point over to it's belly and put a little stitch in to keep it in place to look like a beak and then sew two large buttons on for the eyes.

That's it! Fill it with sand if you wanted it to act as a weight of some sort or simply have it as a cute teddy or decoration! Everyone loves a home made gift :)


1 comment

  1. This is TOO CUTE FOR WORDS - thank you so much for sharing!


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