Friday, 23 December 2011

What MeeMee sent next!

Today I've been so ill - I'm not used to feeling ill and so when I am I'm a right drama queen! Before napping for most of the afternoon however I received a package from Meemee, how exciting! I'm very impressed that it got here in time for Christmas. I wore it today when I nipped out with my Mum, brother and sister to visit my Grandad and also do some last minute food shopping for Christmas day.

It's a three quarter length fluffy skull design jumper. It's so soft and snuggly and I love the fluffy detail on the shoulders! You can buy it HERE.

Jumper: £29.99



  1. i love all your outfits they're amazing! i only just made a blog, please follow? xxx

  2. Love the jumper, I've not seen this website before!


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