Sunday, 1 January 2012

Happy New Year!

Happy new year everyone! I hope you had an excellent evening last night, what did you get up to? I went to my favourite club with my boyfriend and some of our friends; Dan, Elliot and Leigh. I haven't actually thought about my new years resolutions yet but whilst we're on the subject I may as well make a list now...I guess the usual 'save money' and 'eat healthily' are a given, so my main goals would be to:

Visit a foreign country when I finish University

Get a job in the Fashion or creative industry

Improve this blog

If I can achieve just one of these then I'll be delighted but if I do all three then I'll be the happiest girl alive! :)  What are your new years resolutions?

What I Wore

I only decided what I was wearing yesterday afternoon as I was traveling during the day and then spent the entire afternoon tidying and rearranging my room! In the end I settled for a velvet blouse which I'd bought the previous day from a charity shop for just £4.95 and paired it with a black high waisted skirt which I got from Tesco for £1. I swear every pair of tights I own have ladders in.

Blouse: £4.95, Charity shop
Skirt: £1, Tesco (Shortened by me)
Belt: Zara
Tights: Primark
Socks: Primark
Boots: Tesco
Earrings: A gift
Bow tie broach: A gift
Bag: £2.95, Charity shop


Because I love Brothers strawberry cider so much, my Mum bought me these amazing earrings for Christmas! I wore quite heavy black makeup and used gold eyeliner on my lips. I also tried out my new Deborah Lippmann nail lacquer that I got for Christmas. If I'd had more time I would have liked to have added another layer, (in the image I'm wearing two coats of lacquer). Alternatively I think it would look nice worn over another blue shade. I'm impressed with how well it stays on!

What Leigh Wore

Leigh wore a gorgeous blue velvet playsuit and a pair of wedges which I'm so jealous of!

What Craig Wore 

Mr Thomas wore his new Zara shirt, (a Christmas gift from his parents), a bow tie, slim fit jeans and brown brogues.  



  1. Love your outfit!! Happy New Year :)

  2. stunning outfit! love the velvet blouse, also love the tights

  3. You'll achieve all of those goals, I'm sure :) xx

  4. super stylish happy new year

  5. Such a perfect shirt and gold bowtie (: Glad you had a lovely New Year's!

  6. You guys alllook great! I love your nail varnish - and eyes! You should so do a eye make up tutorial! x

  7. you all look fabulous! velvet rules!! I wore a velvet dress for new years as well! :)

  8. Velvet is so amazing! you both looked amazing!I loved the velvet blue dress when I saw it in her blog. x


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